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Hello and welcome at tbs.wechall.net, the homepage of TheBlacksheep and Erik (Germany). The main part is a challenge about Programming, JavaScript, PHP, Java, Steganography, and Cryptography (among others). After registration, you have access to the challenges. Our page is always under construction: we add new challenges, change features and so on. If you have any hints, opinions, suggestions, requests or whatever, please tell us!


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Impressum Privacy Contact 1 Log|3 Qry|1 Wr|0 Tr - 0.001s DB+0.017s PHP=0.018s - 4.00 MB|0 Func|866 Alloc - 419 Classes|231 gdoClasses|370(356) GDT|497(497) GDO|45 mod|0 langfs - 22 tmpl|3 hook|0 ipc|0 mail - 19/20 cache - 11/15*4(0x|0X) tcache - 0/64(block R/W) - 0/0(ipc R/W) - 0/0(37000)(U/S/MX/RSS) - 3331/0(S/H faults) - 0 signals - 4/6(V/IV ctx) - 0 swaps